
Spiritual Seeker With a Taste For the Satirical

Spiritual Seeker With a Taste For the Satirical An ant goes round and round without rest Like all beings in the six realms of existence, Born here and dying there without release, Now becoming a hungry ghost, then an animal. If you are sea…

In Kanazawa, Japan, Ancient Beauty Fuses With Modern Art

In Kanazawa, Japan, Ancient Beauty Fuses With Modern Art ON a sunny early November afternoon in the Japanese city of Kanazawa, the alchemy of autumn had already begun transforming the city’s beloved Kenrokuen Garden from an oasis of leafy …

Hurdles Emerge in Rising Effort to Rate Teachers

Hurdles Emerge in Rising Effort to Rate Teachers “If I thought they gave accurate information, I would take them more seriously,” the principal of P.S. 321, Elizabeth Phillips, said about the rankings. “But some of my best teachers have th…


ココが違う!今どきでも求人が殺到する大学とは AIUは教員の半数が外国人。すべての授業を英語で行い、学生全員に「外国人留学生とともに暮らす1年間の寮生活」「1年間の海外留学」を義務付けている。留学できなければ卒業できず、卒業自体もGPA(成績評価値)…


真央29・0%亀田13・8%、M―1は… フジテレビ系で26日夜に放送されたフィギュアスケート・全日本選手権「女子フリー」(午後7時50分から)の平均視聴率(関東地区)は29・0%だったことが27日、ビデオリサーチの調べでわかった。 瞬間最高…

Amazon patents procedure to let recipients avoid undesirable gifts

Amazon patents procedure to let recipients avoid undesirable gifts Amazon is working on a solution that could revolutionize digital gift buying. The online retailer has quietly patented a way for people to return gifts before they receive …