Wikipedia is turning 10, and founder Jimmy Wales has big plans

Wikipedia is turning 10, and founder Jimmy Wales has big plans

Wikipedia editors "aren't writing about what they know, but about their prejudices and preferences," said Jorge Cauz, the president of Encyclopaedia Britannica. "The fact that information is available hasn't made us more inquisitive, it has made us more lazy. It's the same way that you might take the first highway exit and go to the first junk-food shop."


And centuries from now, when all that's left of Wikipedia is a cached Wikipedia page about Wikipedia, maybe that is how we will remember it. The thing that makes Wikipedia's more obscure entries remarkable is not that one somebody bothered to write them, but that other somebodies bothered to read them. From a cultural standpoint, Wikipedia's biggest contribution might be the way in which it affirms that no interest is too obscure, that no private passion is too geeky and that no one is really alone on the Internet.

"We've always viewed it as a grand humanitarian mission," Wales said. "To do something useful for the world."
